When most expats or foreigners get married in Thailand some do live in Pattaya however many move to the rural parts of Thailand such as Isaan. Where you live is not important however getting the paper work in order is. These are the basics.
The marriage visa in Thailand can be arranged by our solicitor in Pattaya. There two options in this regards and this depends on your financial situation. Firstly most marriage visa options are single entry 3 months visas. These are issued to you at a Thai embassy and is valid for 90 days once you enter Thailand. In Asia they no longer issue multiple entry marriage visas however they do still do this in the US and the UK. These 1 year marriages visas mean that you have to leave Thailand and return every 3 months. This is called a visa run and usually takes a day to do. The visa is split in 4 legs and each leg is valid for 3 months as a time. Before the first leg expires you leave the country and return and the second leg is activated for 3 months until your entire year is complete. Many apply for their visas at our office in Pattaya and are given all the paperwork need simply to hand in at their embassy at home.
The other option is one where you do not need to leave the country. This is a one year visa however it requires that you show the financial means to live in Thailand for the year. As an example you are allowed 3 further options in terms of finacial requirements. You can either have the month in a Thai bank account or you could show a monthly income from abroad such as a documented pension or a combination of the two.
Over the years the financial requirements have changed so it is best to speak to our solicitor about what the current financial requirements are for the marriage visa. Once this 1 year visa has been granted oyu simply have to go to Thai immigration every 3 months to fill in a form with your current home address in Thailand. This is called 90 day reporting in Thailand and allows immigration to know where you are at all times.
If you do apply for a work permit though you will nullify your 1 year visa and would have to start the process from scratch again. also if you leave Thailand without a re-entry permit the visa becomes invalid. Always ensure that you apply for a re-entry p-ermit before leaving Thailand when you have a 1 year visa.
Speak to us online via our chat messenger on our main website today or call our toll-free UK or US telephone numbers if you need an answer today or visit our law office in Pattaya for a free consultation so you better understand the visa process once you have married a Thai citizen.
Speak to us today!